This "ideal" family once lived in dollhouses across America. Originally models of conformity, they are now faded and scarred, imbued by years of handling with unique personal histories—memories incarnate.

Only 4 inches tall, they have power beyond their size, and can loom large in the imagination of individuals and society as a whole.

I work exclusively outdoors, in ambient light, using a variety of natural materials and vintage objects. Intuitive and improvised, all my images are created in-camera.

The lens of a camera can only capture what’s in front of it. To create the “Barbaric Glass” images, I interpose a second lens of ice, whose imperfections capture the myriad ways it's possible to view and therefore interpret the same scene.

Whether created in a tray or broken out of a frozen pool or puddle, each piece is unique and can alter a scene in countless ways, depending on how it is held and how it changes with the light and temperature. The effect of the ice can most easily be understood in these examples of “couplets.”

I do all my own printing, supervised by my ace assistant, Boris.